
Finding in-market home mover audiences

This video shows how Skyrise Intelligence is helping property clients find an in-market audience of people looking to move house.

The property industry is currently operating on nearly a fully end to end digital basis. It has never been more important for property marketers to discover who is in-market using digital, location and temporal behaviours.

Skyrise Intelligence can intelligently build a Home Moving interest audience from our 20m audience pool using app and weblog data. From this we can identify actionable insights that any client can ingest into a targeting strategy.

To build a Home moving audience, we identify users of home search apps and websites and analyse them against various demographic data sets to create our profile. We can analyse the gender split, most indexing age bands, life stage, spending power, other category interests and regional distribution. This gives property clients a clear depiction of their in-market users.

We also have the capability to overlap different variables to further segment audiences. For example, we can overlap a frequency analysis whereby we only take users in the top % of site usage and find high frequency customers. We could also overlap further domains such as mortgage sites and therefore filter out people who are just searching to rent.

Once segmented, we map residential distribution across the UK. From this we are able to find location hotspots and have a clear view of postal clusters that the users in the top deciles reside. We have a look back period of 18 months which allows property marketers to understand how a home moving audience residing in different locations has changed over time.

With an ever changing market, property marketers need ever changing data sets on which to plan and activate digital campaigns. If you’re interested in how Skyrise Intelligence can help on your next campaigns, get in touch.

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